Nick Way comes to stay

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Nick Way - living in Germany, where Ann and Dave have spent a couple of top (and very drunken) weekends, finally makes it over to Seattle to see us. Its a long old flight you know and the last thing you should do when coming off the plane is head straight to the bar.
This is Nick, having got off the plane, we had an hour to kill before the ferry, so we headed straight for the bar. My, that's a BIG beer...
See that behind Nick? That's Seattle that is! After a good night's sleep we headed over to Seattle to show Nick the sights.
This is the chandelier in the entrance to the Beneroyeur (?spelling) Hall - a dead posh venue. This is created by a local glass artist who is clearly insane. He's called <insert name> and his web site is at...

This is Nick in front of the Space Needle. I had to lie on the ground to take this, which is probably more information than necessary. Of course, going up the Needle is an important part of the Seattle experience. We went up, we ate, and then we looked at the view. By cunningly eating at the top we avoided the long and arduous queue for the lift, and instead went for the long and horrendous bill for the meal...

Dave having Oyster Shooters. These are oysters in a glass with vodka. You have to do the entire lot - vodka and oyster - in one go. Its got some kind of hot sauce in it as well just to make sure you really get a hell of a hit.
This is Dave's Desert - the Lunar Lander Ice Cream. Basically its a very straight Ice Cream desert, but its served in a dish filled with dry ice and they pour hot water on it. Result - SMOKE everywhere, it looks very impressive...



And here we all are with the table covered in icy cold smoky stuff.... Nick's got wild starey eyes that may have something to do with the icy cold steam pouring in his lap.
Much better now - Nick and Dave go and stand in the freezing cold outside and look at the view. A helpful woman tells us all about the sights through a megaphone.








And here's the inevitable photo in the airport. Nick spent a few days with us. We drank lots. We had a good time. Top smart!