Tony Parr comes to stay...

You are in: Timeline -> 2001 -> Tony Parr

Tony came over from the UK. Here's the photo's - the story is still being edited to protect the guilty.
Tony Parr - in the Pub. This is his first night, so that droopy eyelid is probably just tiredness and not some attempt to wink at the waitress...

I don't know though...

This is Snoqualmie Falls - we take everyone here when they visit...

This picture is taken from the Observation Deck - where its difficult to get a grip on the fact that the falls are about 270 ft. high. That's higher than Niagara...

Just to prove that we were there - this is Tony and Ann standing on the Observation Deck with the falls behind them.

This is the two of us at the bottom of Snoqualmie Falls. To get here we had to walk down a mile of slippery slope, and then clamber over a fence onto the rocks, past a notice that said it was dangerous and illegal to go over the fence onto the rocks.
Ah well.

And here's Tony at the airport, sporting his holiday goatee. Having spent longer than expected with us (his visit spanned Sept.11th, so no planes were flying) it was a shame to see him go... (ahhh!)

Still - he'll be back (I hope!).

Tony - I still have all the high-res versions of these pictures if you want copies.

There are a bunch more pictures, and I might do something more imaginative with the page than just this - but who knows...