The year 1999...

You are in: Timeline -> 1999

1999 - the last year of the millennium (unless you're really picky about it and moan that 2000 was the last year. Hmmph. Does anyone celebrate their car mileometer going from 000000 to 000001? Nah of course not - you celebrate it going from 999999 to 000000...!).

Anyway - I digress... Up here on the website there are only two 1999 events documented. We threw a party - the hat party - and we threw a top smart millennium eve party. We did lots of other stuff too, but we're back to the horrible and difficult scanning in of photos issues so they're unlikely ever to make it up here.

The hat party. Famed beyond need really but it was the first set of pages up here...


New Year's Eve 1999. We partied like it was 1999 - well, it was. And then we set off fireworks.