The HAT PARTY of July 10th 1999

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From a drunken moment in a pub when Wendy suggested that the upcoming July party should have a hat theme we never realised that people would take it seriously and arrive actually wearing silly hats. But they did...

(Click the thumbnails for a proper image. None of them are more than 30k..).

So here's Ann, with her mate Sharon. Ann made the food... Fantastic as ever, the legendary Russian Salad and the 145 spicy topped mini toasts complimented the dips and stuff beautifully. Oh, and she's dead sexy and is my girlfriend. Sharon's her mate, and it was good to see her at the do!

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Paul! My mate from down in London. First time I've seen him for ages, he turns up puts his drinking cap on and checks out the French stubby beers. Last seen heading South back to the Old Smoke (as I'm sure it like to be known.)
Norm and Becca here. A cowboy hat from Norm, but Becca has found a proper funeral bowler under her Grandfather's bed in Ireland. Much respect for true dedication to the Hat cause.

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tmw.jpg (5774 bytes) This is Tony (my bestest mate) between Maria and Wendy. Wendy was the originator of the Hat Party theme, so its all her fault... Tony came up from the South as well, but is a Northerner at heart. Last seen checking out the local house prices...!

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